
Sunday October 13, 2024

Displayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada)

8:30-9:00 Breakfast

9:00   Opening and Introduction

Anil Nerode Cornell University and Annie Liu Stony Brook University

9:15-10:30  Integrating Logic with LLMs for AI

Chair: Gopal Gupta UT Dallas

9:15 45m Invited Talk: Psychoanalysis (and Therapy) of ChatGPT

Georg Gottlob Oxford University

10:00 15m Logic in the Age of AI

Yuri Gurevich University of Michigan

10:15 15m Rigorous Language Models for Trustworthy AI

Annie Liu Stony Brook University

10:30 30m Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Reasoning for AI and AI for Modeling

Chair: Annie Liu Stony Brook University

11:00 45m Invited Talk: Neuro-symbolic AI, or Are We Already There?

Henry Kautz University of Virginia

11:45 15m Generative AI as a Contributor to Joint Interactive Modeling

Joost Vennekens KU Leuven

12:00 30m Invited Panel: Integrating Logical Reasoning and LLMs for Trustworthy AI

Georg Gottlob Oxford University, Yuri Gurevich University of Michigan, Annie Liu Stony Brook University, Henry Kautz University of Virginia, Joost Vennekens KU Leuven, Chair: Gopal Gupta UT Dallas

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:30 Logic Systems and Optimizations for AI

Chair: David Warren Stony Brook University and XSB Inc.

13:30 45m Invited Talk: How to Make Logics Neurosymbolic

Luc De Raedt KU Leuven

14:15 15m Harnessing ASP and Its Extensions: Recent Applications and Role in Trustworthy AI

Giuseppe Mazzotta and Francesco Ricca University of Calabria

14:30 15m Beyond Deductive Datalog: How Datalog is used to perform AI tasks

Bernhard Scholz, Pavle Subotic Sonic Research, and David Zhao RelationalAI

14:45 15m A Case Study on TSP: What to Optimize and How?

Martin Gebser University of Klagenfurtm

15:00 30m Invited Panel: Logic Systems and Optimizations for AI 

Luc De Raedt KU Leuven, Giuseppe Mazzotta and Francesco Ricca University of Calabria, Bernhard Scholz and Pavle Subotic Sonic Research, David Zhao RelationalAI, Martin Gebser University of Klagenfurtm, Chair: David Warren Stony Brook University and XSB Inc.

15:30 30m Coffee Break

16:00-17:15 Ethics, Uncertainty, and Roadmaps for AI

Chair: Anil Nerode Cornell University

16:00 15m Declarative Ethics for AI Systems 

John Hooker CMU

16:15 15m Estimating Causal Quantities via Linear and Nonlinear Programming:  Current Status, Challenges, and Future Directions

Ang Li Florida State University

16:30 30m Combining Expressive Logic Programs with Machine Learning and Natural Language: Some Roadmap

Invited Program Manager, Benjamin Grosof DARPA

17:30 30m Invited Panel: Ethics,  Uncertainty, and Roadmaps for AI

John Hooker CMU, Ang Li Florida State University, Benjamin Grosof DARPA, Chair: Anil Nerode Cornell University

17:30 Closing

Anil Nerode Cornell University and Annie Liu Stony Brook University